Writer. Usually puts words in the right order.


I write for a living.

That’s not a joke but most other things are.

About me

Most people call me Carrie but I was born Carmel and will answer to either. I also answer to “Sorry?” and “Oi!”.

From Ireland, I live in Berlin, Germany, where people pay me to put words in the right order. I also run the Berlin Content Meetup and a small mentorship programme called Leg Up.

My work and I have appeared on paper, online, and on air courtesy of the BBC, World Cinema Fund, Salon, Blinkist, TNW, Exberliner, Climatiq, Berlin Startup Jobs, Silicon Allee, Ada, nilo, Newstalk, and Visual Verse, as well as many others.

I am currently taking on freelance commissions. You can hire me to write, to edit, or to help you draft your content strategy. Get in touch!